
2022-01-11 00:00:00 header scroll javascript anchor fixed

我正在使用 smoothscroll.js 浏览我的网站.它在 Firefox 中停在正确的锚点上,但在 Chrome 中,它会在第一次单击链接时通过该点,并将内容推到顶部,将内容隐藏在页面后面.然后,如果您再次单击它,它会正确对齐.我在其他网站上也看到了这些问题.好奇看看其他人有没有同样的问题.Chrome 似乎忽略了任何顶部填充或边距或定位(例如:top:20%;).

I'm using smoothscroll.js to navigate my site. It stops on the correct anchor in Firefox, however in Chrome it passes the point on the first click of the link, and pushes the content to the top, hiding the content behind the page. then if you click it again, it aligns correctly. I've seen the problems on other sites as well. Curious to see if others have the same problem. Chrome seems to ignore any top padding or margin or positioning (example: top:20%;).



