在 jsPlumb 上保存和加载流程图

2022-01-11 00:00:00 jquery jquery-plugins javascript jsplumb

在 jsPlumb 上保存和加载流程图的最佳方法是什么?

What's the best approach to save and load an flowchart on jsPlumb?


我设法通过简单地将所有元素包含在一个对象数组中来保存图表,其中每个对象都有 source 和 目标节点,x,y坐标.

I managed to save the chart by simply having all the elements inside an array of objects, where each object has source and target nodes, x, y coordinates.

保存时,只需执行JSON.stringify(whole_object),如果加载,则只需JSON.parse() 并手动定位节点并连接它们.

When saving, simply do JSON.stringify(whole_object), and if loading, simply JSON.parse() and manually position the nodes as well as connect them.
