向现有的 JQuery 插件添加功能

2022-01-11 00:00:00 jquery jquery-plugins javascript html

是否可以在不修改实际插件的情况下向插件添加功能?我可以在我网站的 js 文件中做这样的事情吗?

Is it possible to add a function to a plugin without modifying the actual plugin? Can I do something like this in my site's js file?

$.fn.Watermark.Refresh = function() {

$.fn.Watermark.Refresh = function() {

都不行,第一个说 $ 未定义,第二个说 jQuery 未定义...

neither worked, the first says $ is undefined, the second that jQuery is undefined...


解决方案:任何一种方法都可以,只需在站点 js 文件之前包含 jquery 文件即可.

Solution: Either method works, just include the jquery file before the site js file.


如果你愿意,你可以添加这些函数,但你必须确保你也加载了 jQuery 本身和要修改的插件.如果您遇到这些错误(未定义 jQuery 或$"),那么您没有正确地做到这一点.

You can add those functions if you want to, but you'll have to make sure that you're also loading jQuery itself and the plugin to be modified. If you're getting those errors (that jQuery or "$" are not defined), then you have not correctly done that.


Now, though it's true that you can add those functions, I have to wonder what the point would be. If I were to do this, for example:

$.fn.css.myFunction = function() { return "hello world"; };


var str = $.fn.css.myFunction();


but so what? What good does that do me? I don't think it's very useful.
