jQuery 中有没有办法将 div 放在前面?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 jquery jquery-plugins css jquery-ui

如果我有一堆绝对定位的 div 并且它们重叠,我如何让某个 div 出现在前面?再次感谢大家!

If I had a bunch of absolute positioned divs and they overlapped, how would I get a certain div to come to the front? Thanks again guys!


这是 CSS 的东西,不是 jQuery 的东西(虽然你可以使用 jQuery 来修改 css).

This is a CSS thing, not a jQuery thing (though you can use jQuery to modify the css).

$('element').css('z-index', 9999);  // note: it appears 'zIndex' no longer works


Or, absolute positioning will bring something to the top:

$('element').css('position', 'absolute');
