JavaScript 是否考虑本地小数分隔符?

2022-01-11 00:00:00 localization javascript


I've got a web page that displays decimals in a user's localized format, like so:

  • 英文:7.75
  • 荷兰语:7,75

如果我在我的机器上的 JavaScript 中将两个数字变量一起添加(其中数字取自上述格式的字符串),我会得到以下结果:

If I add two number variables together in JavaScript on my machine (where the numbers are taken from strings in the above formats) I get the following results:

  • 英文:7.75 + 7.75 = 15.5
  • 荷兰语:7,75 + 7,75 = 0

如果我要在荷兰用户机器上运行此代码,我是否应该期望英语格式的添加返回 0,而荷兰语格式的添加返回 15,5?

If I was to run this code on a Dutch users machine, should I expect the English-formatted addition to return 0, and the Dutch-formatted addition to return 15,5?

简而言之:JavaScript 计算是否在其字符串到数字的转换中使用本地小数分隔符?

In short: Does the JavaScript calculation use local decimal separators in its string to number conversions?


不,分隔符在 javascript Number 中始终是点 (.).所以 7,75 的计算结果为 75,因为 , 调用从左到右的计算(在控制台中尝试:x=1,x+=1,alert(x) 或更多的点 var x=(7,75); alert(x);).如果你想转换一个荷兰语(嗯,不仅仅是荷兰语,比如说 Continental European)格式的值,它应该是一个 String.您可以为 String 原型编写扩展,例如:

No, the separator is always a dot (.) in a javascript Number. So 7,75 evaluates to 75, because a , invokes left to right evaluation (try it in a console: x=1,x+=1,alert(x), or more to the point var x=(7,75); alert(x);). If you want to convert a Dutch (well, not only Dutch, let's say Continental European) formatted value, it should be a String. You could write an extension to the String prototype, something like:

String.prototype.toFloat = function(){
      return parseFloat(this.replace(/,(d+)$/,'.$1'));
'7,75'.toFloat()+'7,75'.toFloat(); //=> 15.5

注意,如果浏览器支持,你可以使用 Number.toLocaleString

Note, if the browser supports it you can use Number.toLocaleString


.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }
