Javascript、Razor 和 Escape 字符.像撇号

我在我的 MVC3 项目中使用 Razor.而且我正在使用 FullCalendar JQuery 插件.因此,当我尝试填充数组时,效果很好.除了一件事.如果 s.Name 包含撇号,它会呈现为 ' 这不是我想要的.我尝试使用不同的方法,例如 Encode 和 Decode,甚至 MvcHtmlString.Create,结果始终相同.

I am using Razor in my MVC3 project. And also I'm using FullCalendar JQuery plugin. So when I'm trying to fill the array it works good. Except one thing. If s.Name contains apostrophe it renders like' that's not what I want. I tried to use different methods like Encode and Decode and even MvcHtmlString.Create and result is always the same.


    <script type='text/javascript'>
       $(document).ready(function () {        
            header: {
                left: '',
                center: 'title',
                right: 'month,agendaWeek,agendaDay'
            month: 5,
            year: 2011,
            editable: false,
            events: [
            @foreach (var s in ViewBag.Sessions)
                @: title: '@s.Name',
                @: start: new Date(@s.Starts.Year, @s.Starts.Month-1, @s.Starts.Day),
                @: end: new Date(@s.Ends.Year, @s.Ends.Month-1, @s.Ends.Day)


我会这样写你的 foreach:

I would write your foreach like this:

            @foreach (var s in ViewBag.Sessions)
                 title: '@HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode(s.Name)',
                 start: new Date(@s.Starts.Year, @s.Starts.Month-1, @s.Starts.Day),
                 end: new Date(@s.Ends.Year, @s.Ends.Month-1, @s.Ends.Day)

  • HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode 转义引号和 html 标记.
  • <text> 更适合多行输出.
    • HttpUtility.JavaScriptStringEncode to escape quotes and html markup.
    • <text> is nicer for multiline output.
