带有 jQ​​uery 的饼图

我想用 JavaScript 创建一个饼图.在搜索中,我找到了 Google Charts API.由于我们使用的是 jQuery,我发现有 jQuery 与 Google Charts 的集成 可用.

I want to create a pie chart in JavaScript. On searching I found the Google Charts API. Since we are using jQuery I found that there is jQuery integration for Google Charts available.

但我的问题是实际数据被发送到 Google 服务器以创建图表.有没有办法阻止数据被发送到谷歌?我担心将我的数据发送给第三方.

But my problem is here the actual data is sent to the Google server for creating the charts. Is there a way to prevent the data from being sent to Google? I am concerned about sending my data to a third party.


jqPlot 看起来不错,而且是开源的.

jqPlot looks pretty good and it is open source.

这里是最令人印象深刻和最新的 jqPlot 示例的链接.

Here's a link to the most impressive and up-to-date jqPlot examples.
