
2022-01-11 00:00:00 console html web-worker

只是我,还是 console.log() 对 HTML5 网络工作者的要求太多了?

Is it just me, or is console.log() too much to ask for from HTML5 web workers?

我知道操作 DOM 会被阻止,因为它有潜在的危险,但是 console.log() 真的有可能被多线程工作人员恶意利用吗?

I know that manipulating the DOM is blocked because it is potentially dangerous, but is there really any possibility that console.log() could be maliciously exploited by a multithreaded worker?


约定好的事情会好很多,但是使用 postMessage 破解原始的 console.log 并不难.David Flanagan 有一个很好的包装器这里.

Agreed things would be a lot nicer, but it's not too hard to hack up a primitive console.log using postMessage. David Flanagan has a nice wrapper here.
