如何在 Electron 中设置 chromium 命令行标志?

我正在开发一个 Electron 应用程序,需要启用以下 Chromium 标志 GuestViewCrossProcessFrames 以使缩放与 webview 一起工作.

I am working on an Electron app and need to enable the following Chromium flag GuestViewCrossProcessFrames to make scaling work with webview.

我尝试在 main.js 中调用以下行,但它似乎不起作用.还尝试为 BrowserWindow 和 webview 启用插件.

I tried calling the following line in my main.js but it doesn't seem to work. Also tried enabling plugins for the BrowserWindow as well as webview.



Can someone help me setting up this flag? Thank you.



const { app } = require('electron');
app.commandLine.appendSwitch('enable-features', 'GuestViewCrossProcessFrames');
app.on('ready', () => {
// place your code.

注意:您需要在 ready 事件发出之前调用它.

note: you need to call it before ready event emitted.
