如何在 IE8 中转储 JavaScript 变量?

我有一个需要在 IE8 中检查的对象.我尝试了开发人员工具和 console.log,它们的 Firebug 等效项.但是,当我将对象输出到日志时:

I have an object I need to examine in IE8. I tried the developer tools and console.log, their Firebug equivalent. However, when I output the object to the log:

console.log("Element: ", element);


LOG: Element: [object Object]


instead of a clickable, examinable dump.

是否可以像在 Firebug 中一样将对象转储到日志并检查其成员?

Is it possible to dump an object to the Log and examine its members, like in Firebug?

我不能使用自制的 dump() 函数,因为我要检查的元素太大,浏览器会在我身上崩溃.

I can't use a homemade dump() function because the element I want to examine is so huge the browser will crash on me.



Here's one technique that I've found helpful:

  • 打开开发者工具栏(按 F12)
  • 转到脚本"标签
  • 点击开始调试"按钮
  • 接下来,在控制台中输入debugger"并回车.这应该会触发一个断点.
  • 转到观看"子标签
  • 点击显示点击添加..."的行并输入您要检查的变量.请注意,该变量必须是全局可用的.
  • 此时您应该能够使用树状 UI 检查变量
  • 完成调试后,点击继续按钮(或按 F5)
