在 Electron 中处理表单的正确方法是什么?
表单 html 和提交事件是渲染器"的一部分.提交的数据应该在主进程中可用.提交表单并使该数据在 main.js 中可访问的正确方法是什么?
The form html and submit event is part of the "renderer". The submitted data should be available in the main process. What's the proper way to submit the form and make that data accessible in main.js ?
我应该简单地使用远程"模块将数据从 main.js 传递给函数还是有更好的方法?
Should I simply use the "remote" module to pass the data to a function from main.js or is there a better approach?
我们使用服务(Angular)来处理窗口中的表单数据.如果需要,然后通知 remote
We use a service (Angular) to process form data in a window. Then notify the remote
, if needed.
从您的 renderer
您可以将数据发送到 ipc
,然后在您的 main.js
From your renderer
you can send data to the ipc
, then in your main.js
you catch this event and the passed form data:
// renderer.js
let ipcRenderer = require('electron').ipcRenderer;
ipcRenderer.send('submitForm', formData);
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
您还可以从 main.js
将消息发送回 renderer
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
event.returnValue = {"any": "value"};
// main.js
ipcMain.on('submitForm', function(event, data) {
// Access form data here
event.sender.send('formSubmissionResults', results);
// renderer.js
ipcRenderer.on('formSubmissionResults', function(event, args) {
let results = args.body;