如何通过 Electron 获得唯一的 PC ID?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 node.js electron javascript

是否可以通过 Electron 获得唯一的 PC/设备 ID,以便我可以将 PC/设备 ID 保存到云上的 MySQL 服务器?如果这不可能,那么我还有什么其他选择?

Is it possible to get a unique PC/Device ID via Electron so I can save PC/Device ID to MySQL Server on the cloud? If this is not possible then what other option I have?

这样做的目的是限制他们可以使用 Electron App 的设备数量.

The purpose of this to limit how many device they can use Electron App.



import {machineId, machineIdSync} from 'node-machine-id';

// Asyncronous call with async/await or Promise

async function getMachineId() {
    let id = await machineId();

machineId().then((id) => {

// Syncronous call

let id = machineIdSync()
// id = c24b0fe51856497eebb6a2bfcd120247aac0d6334d670bb92e09a00ce8169365
let id = machineIdSync({original: true})
// id = 98912984-c4e9-5ceb-8000-03882a0485e4

你可以看看这个包automation-stack/node-machine-id 了解更多详情.我想这就是你要找的.

You can take a look in this package automation-stack/node-machine-id for more details. I think this is what you are looking for.
