MongoDB 可以打包在 Electron 应用程序中吗?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 mongodb node.js electron javascript

我可以将 MongoDB 打包到一个 Electron 应用程序中,这样我就不需要在客户端的机器上安装它了吗?我正在 OSX 上开发一个应用程序,它可能会在 Windows 上使用.我需要在客户端上单独安装 Mongo 吗?

Can I package MongoDB in an Electron app so I don't need to install it on a client's machine? I'm developing an app on OSX and it will probably be used on Windows. Do I need to separately install Mongo on the clients?


是的.我过去使用过这种方法.它引入了 mongod.exe 并启动它.

Yes. I have used this method in the past. It brings in mongod.exe and launches it.

