Electron 中的自定义 HTML 对话框

2022-01-10 00:00:00 dialog electron html

如何(或者甚至可能)在 Electron 中使用自定义 HTML 对话框?我知道 Electron 提供了某些对话框(showMessageDialogshowErrorDialog),但这些似乎不允许自定义 HTML.

How (or is it even possible) to use custom HTML dialogs in Electron? I know that Electron provides certain dialogs (showMessageDialog, showErrorDialog) but these do not seem to allow custom HTML.

我不希望使用原生 HTML 对话框 (dialog) 标签,因为它不会融入"用户界面.

I do not wish to use native HTML dialogs (dialog) tag as it does not 'blend in' with the user interface.


Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!


您可以创建一个模态的 BrowserWindow,如果您愿意,也可以是无框的.参见 http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/browser-window/.

You can create a BrowserWindow that's modal and, if you like, frameless. See http://electron.atom.io/docs/api/browser-window/.
