在 Angular 4 中播放声音

2022-01-10 00:00:00 audio electron javascript angular

我正在使用 Angular 4 开发 Electron 应用程序.我想在某些特定动作上播放声音.是否有任何模块或代码?它可以在角度 4 中,或者如果电子为此提供一些服务,它也应该可以工作

I'm working on an Electron app with Angular 4. I want to play sound on some specific action. Is there any module or code for that? It can be in the angular 4 or if electron is providing some service for that it should also work

因为我想在某些动作上播放它,所以我不能使用 HTML 音频标签和 javascript 的 audio()

As I want to play it on some action I can't use the HTML audio tag and audio() of javascript

我只想播放 2-3 秒的声音,所以不需要其他功能.

I only want to play the sound of 2-3 seconds so no other functionalities are needed.

它可以是电子或 Angular 4,它们中的任何一个都可以工作......

It can be of electron or Angular 4 any of them can work...


刚刚在一个正在工作的项目中做了这个(角度 4)并且它工作了

just did this in a project am working (angular 4) and it worked

  let audio = new Audio();
  audio.src = "../../../assets/audio/alarm.wav";


make sure the path is correct and references an existing audio
