有没有办法使用应用程序脚本将 html 文本保存到谷歌驱动器中的文件?

有没有办法使用应用程序脚本将 html 文本保存到谷歌驱动器中的文件?我的应用程序发回一个 html 字符串,我想将其作为 .html 文件保存到驱动器中,就像我将 HTML 文件上传到驱动器一样.然后,我打算将此 .html 文件作为 google doc 打开,这会将其转换为 doc 格式.我已经手动尝试过这个过程,效果很好.只需要在脚本中完成.

Is there a way to save html text to a file in google drive using apps script? My app sends back an html string, which I want to save as an .html file into drive, as if I'd uploaded an HTML file to drive. I then intend on opening this .html file as a google doc, which will convert it to a doc format. I've tried this procedure manually, and it works well. Just need to do it in a script.

更重要的是,我想要一种直接将 HTML 转换为谷歌文档的方法.

More to the point, I'd love a direct way to convert HTML into a google doc.


var url = 'YOUR PAGE;
var p = SitesApp.getPageByUrl(url);
var html = p.getHtmlContent();
var blob = DriveApp.createFile('dummy',html, 'text/html').getBlob();
var resource = {
  title: 'YOUR FILE NAME',
  convert: true,
  mimeType: 'application/vnd.google-apps.document' 
