使用 Google Drive Api v3 (javascript) 创建文件

2022-01-10 00:00:00 google-drive-api javascript

我想使用 Google Drive API v3 创建一个包含内容的文件.我已通过 OAuth 进行身份验证并加载了 Drive API.像下面这样的语句可以工作(但会生成一个没有内容的文件):

I want to create a file with content using Google Drive API v3. I have authenticated via OAuth and have the Drive API loaded. Statements like the following work (but produce a file without content):

    "name": "settings",

不幸的是,我不知道如何创建包含内容的文件.我找不到使用 Drive API v3 的 JavaScript 示例.我需要传递一些特殊的参数吗?

Unfortunately I cannot figure out how to create a file that has a content. I cannot find a JavaScript example using Drive API v3. Are there some special parameters that I need to pass?

为简单起见,假设我有一个类似 '{"name":"test"}' 的字符串,它是 JSON 格式,应该是创建文件的内容.

For simplicity, assume that I have a String like '{"name":"test"}' that is in JSON format that should be the content of the created file.



var parentId = '';//some parentId of a folder under which to create the new folder
var fileMetadata = {
  'name' : 'New Folder',
  'mimeType' : 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder',
  'parents': [parentId]
  resource: fileMetadata,
}).then(function(response) {
    case 200:
      var file = response.result;
      console.log('Created Folder Id: ', file.id);
      console.log('Error creating the folder, '+response);



可以通过将 mimeTypeapplication/vnd.google-apps.folder 更改为一个来创建 google 文件(文档、表格等)支持的 google mime 类型.但是,目前无法将任何内容上传到创建的文件中.

it is possible to create google files (doc, sheets and so on) by changing the mimeType from application/vnd.google-apps.folder to one of the supported google mime types. HOWEVER, as of now it not possible to upload any content into created files.

要上传文件,请使用 @Geminus 提供的解决方案.请注意,您可以上传文本文件或 csv 文件并将其内容类型分别设置为 google doc 或 google sheet,google 将尝试对其进行转换.我已经为 text -> doc 测试了这个,它可以工作.

To upload files, use the solution provided by @Geminus. Note you can upload a text file or a csv file and set its content type to google doc or google sheets respectively, and google will attempt to convert it. I have tested this for text -> doc and it works.
