如何让 selfbot 加入服务器?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord javascript discord.js

我希望我的 selfbot 使用/summon [invite] 等命令通过邀请加入服务器.

I want my selfbot to join servers by an invite by using a command such as /summon [invite].


I have tried to use the accept invite function but it didn't seem to be working.



It doesn't return any errors or anything.


不能,Client 对象.

You can't, there is no method to accept any sort of invite under Client object.

我认为这是设计使然,原因在答案之一的评论中说明了 这里.

And I would suppose this is by design, as the reason is stated in the comments of one of the answer here.


...Because this would allow bots to "randomly" join guilds. So long as the bot has access to an invite link it would be able to accept and get into any guild. Even with basic read message permissions this means that all conversation within that guild could now be logged unknowingly ...


TLDR; To prevent malicious usage of bots.

一个 bot 创建者制作了 10 个 bot,使用 accept_invite 方法邀请它们进入受害服务器.然后将它们全部编码以在目标服务器的每个聊天中开始发送垃圾邮件.

A bot-creator made 10 bots, used an accept_invite method to invite them into a victim server. Then coded them all to start spamming in every chat of the targeted server.
