如何从 JavaScript 数组中删除重复的对象?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 arrays duplicates unique javascript


What's the best way to remove duplicate objects from array of objects?


var arr = 
        {"name":"Joe", "age":17}, 
        {"name":"Bob", "age":17}, 
        {"name":"Carl", "age": 35},
        {"name":"Bob", "age":35},
        {"name":"Joe", "age":17}, 


when duplicates removed, the expected result is

res= arr = 
        {"name":"Joe", "age":17}, 
        {"name":"Bob", "age":17}, 
        {"name":"Carl", "age": 35},
        {"name":"Bob", "age":35},

(5 个对象,1 个重复,4 个左).

(5 objects, 1 duplicate, 4 left).


The number of properties of each object is fixed, the properties names are the same for each array. However, from array to array they may not be just "name" and "age" as above, but the names of the properties could be any.

@Pointy 请将上述问题中的重复词视为口头意义上的重复" - 对象分别具有相同数量的属性、相同的属性和相同的属性值.

@Pointy Please treat the duplicate word in the question above as 'duplicate' in the verbal sense - the object with the same number of properties, the same properties and the same values of that properties respectively.

这不是重复的 从 JavaScript 数组中删除重复项一个>



You could use an object for lookup, if an object is alreday inserted or not.


Update for getting all properties of the object and use the values for the key. If only some properties should be used for it, then I suggest to use an array with the relavant keys, like

['name', 'age']


var key = ['name', 'age'].map(function (k) { return a[k]; }).join('|');

var arr = [{ "name": "Joe", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Bob", "age": 17 }, { "name": "Carl", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Bob", "age": 35 }, { "name": "Joe", "age": 17 }],
    filtered = arr.filter(function (a) {
        var key = Object.keys(a).map(function (k) { return a[k]; }).join('|');
        if (!this[key]) {
            return this[key] = true;
    }, Object.create(null));

