带有动画表情符号的 Discord 机器人

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord bots javascript discord.js

我有一个不和谐机器人,我想知道如何让机器人在服务器上使用动画表情符号.我尝试过其他通过 WebHooks 放置动画表情符号的机器人,或者将机器人本身放入动画表情符号.但我无法让它以任何方式工作.如果有人可以帮助我,谢谢.KKtua

I have a discord bot and I would like to know how I can make the bot use animated emoticons on the server. I have tried other bots that put animated emoticons through WebHooks or put the bot itself to put animated emoticons. But I can't get it to work in any way. If anyone can help me thanks. KKtua



First of all the bot needs to be in the server where the animated emoji is, so if you want to use an emoji from the 'Rocket League' server, then the bot has to be in that server.

一旦您知道机器人在具有表情符号的服务器中,您需要做的就是在聊天中键入表情符号,并在表情符号之前加上一个 ,以便您获得表情符号 ID,您需要复制该 ID并在机器人代码中使用,机器人消息中使用的动画表情符号示例:

Once you know the bot is in the server which has the emoji, what you need to do is type the emoji in chat yourself with a before the emoji, so that you get the emoji ID, which you will need to copy and use in the bot code, example of an animated emoji used in a bot message:

message.reply('here is a cool emoji -> <a:check_no:717523612906684428> ');
