如何让不和谐机器人编辑 dm 消息?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord javascript discord.js

我想在 Discord 上为我的服务器实现一个简单的数据库,所以我需要我的机器人给我发消息,当变量更改他的值时,他用新值编辑 DM(使用他发送给我的消息的 ID)对于变量.(对不起我的英语)

I want to implement a simple database for my server on Discord so i need my bot to DM me and when a variable change his value, he edit the DM (using the ID of the message he sent me) with the new value for the variables. (sorry my english)


That's what I've at the moment:

async function replyAndLog() {
    let sent = await msg.author.send("<database things>");
    let id = sent.id;
    console.log(id) //the id of the DM

//when i need to edit
if (msg.content === '!edit') {
    msg.id("id").edit("<new databese>") // here's the problem, i dont know how to write this line


const User = client.users.cache.get("Your UserId");
if (!User.dmChannel) return console.log("No messages found.");

// Getting the message by ID
User.dmChannel.messages.fetch("MessageID").then(dmMessage => {
    // Editing the message.
    dmMessage.edit("I have an update!");
