显示该成员是否有 nitro discord

2022-01-10 00:00:00 javascript discord.js


I'm trying to make it show 'yes' if the user has, I'm testing with a user who has nitro, but keeps showing 'no'

        .addField('Nitro', `${member.premiumSubscriptionCount ? 'Yes' : 'No'}`,true)


IIRC,如果用户拥有带有机器人的 Nitro,则无法获取,但是您使用 OAuth 可以获取用户信息

IIRC, you cannot get if the user has Nitro with a bot, however you make a user authorize using your OAuth which you can get the user's info

如果 用户也可以获得a> 有一个带有 User.displayAvatarURL({dynamic:true}).endsWith('.gif') 的动画头像(只有 Nitro 或 Nitro 经典用户可以使用动画头像)

You can also get if the User has an animated avatar with User.displayAvatarURL({dynamic:true}).endsWith('.gif') (only Nitro or Nitro classic users can use animated avatars)

您还可以获得用户.flags 但它不包括他们是否有 Nitro.

You can also get User.flags but it doesn't include if they have Nitro or not.
