
2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord node.js javascript discord.js


I am making a discord bot with a simple command handler. I have never used a command handler before so I don't really know a lot about these sorts of functions and things like that. I get the an error saying that execute is undefined, which I do not know how to fix. Code:

module.exports = {Discord : 'Discord.JS'}
module.exports = {client : 'Discord.Client'}

const fs = require('fs');
client.commands = new Discord.Collection();

const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync('./commands/').filter(file => file.endsWith('.js'));
for(const file of commandFiles) {
    const command = require(`./commands/${file}`);

    client.commands.set(command.name, command);

client.on('message', msg => {
    let message = '';
    if (msg.channel === msg.author.dmChannel) {
    } else {
            client.commands.get('./commands/allyApplication').execute(message, msg);

    if (msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('!accept')) {
        client.commands.get('./commands/acceptAlly').execute(message, msg);

    if (msg.content.toLowerCase().startsWith('!decline')) {
        client.commands.get('./commands/declineAlly').execute(message, msg);



This is the code for scripts that read this:

module.exports = {
    name: 'declineAlly',
    description: 'Declines allies.',
    execute(message, msg) {


If anyone knows how I could possibly fix this error, it would be great since I am new to command handlers.


要回答您的问题,您的代码不起作用,因为您需要像这样调用它 client.commands.get('declineAlly').execute(message, msg); 并且你总是运行 client.commands.get('./commands/allyApplication').execute(message, msg); 因为 else,这意味着您的代码甚至没有到达您定义命令的地步.此外,您始终将空字符串传递给命令.您在这里所做的本身并没有错,就是您必须手动将每个命令添加到处理程序.那不是很有效.

To answer your question, your code doesn't work because for one you need to call it like this client.commands.get('declineAlly').execute(message, msg); and you always run client.commands.get('./commands/allyApplication').execute(message, msg); because of the else, meaning that your code doesn't even get to the point where you define your commands. Additionally you always pass an empty string to the command. What you also have done here, which is in itself not wrong, is that you have to manually add each command to the handler. Thats not really efficient.


So lets fix that.

让我们从顶部开始.您将命令设置到集合中的代码工作正常.因此,让我们找到问题的根源,即 client.on('message', message 部分.在以下代码片段中,我总是使用 message 而不是 味精.

Lets start at the top. Your code to set the commands into the collection works fine. So lets get to the root of your issue, the client.on('message', message part. in the following code snippets I always use message instead of msg.


At the start you should do two things. First check if the channel is a DM and if so return.

if (message.guild === null) {
    return message.reply("Hey there, no reason to DM me anything. I won't answer anyway :wink:"); //example sentence


And check if the user who sends this message is a bot. That way other bots can't use yours.

if (message.author.bot) return;

接下来您应该设置一个前缀值,在您的情况下为 ! 并检查消息是否以所述前缀开头.

What you should do next is set a prefix value, in your case that would be ! and check if a message starts with said prefix.

const prefix = '!';
if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) {

现在我们已经检查了消息是否真的是一个命令,我们可以切掉前缀并将消息的其余部分转换为我们将调用 args 的数组.

Now that we have checked if the message is actually a command we can slice off the prefix and convert the rest of the message into an array that we will call args.

const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);


Next we need to take the first element of that array, remove it and store it as our command value. We also convert it to lowercase.

const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();

接下来我们需要检查消息是否真的有一些参数.这很重要,因此如果消息只是一个简单的 !,则此代码的其余部分不会被执行.

Next we need to check if the message actually has some arguments. Thats important so the rest of this code doesn't get executed if the message is just a simple !.

if (cmd.length === 0) return;


After that it's time to get the command from our command collection.

let command = client.commands.get(cmd);


Once that is done we need to check if the command actually exists. If it does not then we return with an error.

if (!command) return message.reply(``${prefix + cmd}` doesn't exist!`);


Once we have confirmed that the command exists it's time to execute that command.

command.execute(message, args);


And there you have it. The command handler is finished. We are still not done yet though. Before you can use the commands we need to change something there.

  • 首先,从现在开始,您将使用命令的名称而不是其他名称来调用命令,就像您在代码中使用的那样.
  • 其次,您需要确保命令的名称完全小写.那是因为我们在处理程序中将命令转换为小写.


Lastly we should change the command a little bit so it becomes easier to read.

module.exports = {
    name: 'declineally',
    description: 'Declines allies.',
    execute: (message, msg) => {
        // the rest of your code

在所有这些之后,您的 client.on('message' 事件应该看起来像这样:

After all of this, your client.on('message' event should look a litte something like this:

client.on('message', message => {
    // check if the message comes through a DM
    if (message.guild === null) {
        return message.reply("Hey there, no reason to DM me anything. I won't answer anyway :wink:");
    // check if the author is a bot
    if (message.author.bot) return;
    // set a prefix and check if the message starts with it
    const prefix = "!";
    if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) {

    // slice off the prefix and convert the rest of the message into an array
    const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).trim().split(/ +/g);
    // convert all arguments to lowercase
    const cmd = args.shift().toLowerCase();

    // check if there is a message after the prefix
    if (cmd.length === 0) return;

    // look for the specified command in the collection of commands
    let command = client.commands.get(cmd);

    // if there is no command we return with an error message
    if (!command) return message.reply(``${prefix + cmd}` doesn't exist!`);

    // finally run the command
    command.execute(message, args);

