Discord 机器人针对一个事件多次响应

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord javascript discord.js

我希望我的机器人对 .on 等命令做出一次响应.但是,它每次输入都会响应多次:

I want my bot to respond once to a command such as .on. However, it responds multiple times per input:


client.on('message', message =>{
    if(message.content === '.on'){
        message.channel.sendMessage('Testing Bot is now Online, Greetings, ' + message.author.username);


If anyone could point me in the right direction to make the bot respond once that would be great.


我来晚了,但我想你有多个 实例 您的机器人同时运行.

I'm late, but I think you had multiple instances of your bot running at the same time.
