Discord.js 在嵌入链接中将 api 连接到不和谐机器人

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord node.js javascript npm discord.js

我一直在尝试编写一个机器人来发布和嵌入链接,以根据用户输入的数字显示漫画的标题、标签等.我正在查看的 api 是

I've been trying to code a bot that will post and embed link to show the title of manga, tags, etc. based on what digits user input. The api that I'm looking at is This and I want to know what's the best way of connecting it to my discord bot?

client.on("message", (message) => {
    if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
    if (message.content.startsWith(prefix)) {
        let chosenNum = message.content.match(/d+/)?.[0].slice(0);
        if (chosenNum.length > 6) {
          message.channel.send("**1-6 digits only**")
        } else{


The package you chose has a really simple API. All you need is the nhentai.exists() and nhentai.getDoujin() methods. With the first one you can check if the user submitted ID exists, and with the second one you can fetch a JSON object that you can use to populate your embed.

Check out the example below:

const { Client, MessageEmbed } = require('discord.js');
const nhentai = require('nhentai-js');

const client = new Client();
const prefix = '!';

client.on('message', async (message) => {
  if (!message.content.startsWith(prefix)) return;
  // create an args variable that slices off the prefix and splits it into an array
  const args = message.content.slice(prefix.length).split(/ +/);
  // create a command variable by taking the first element in the array
  // and removing it from args
  const command = args.shift().toLowerCase();

  if (command === 'hen') {
    const chosenNum = args[0]?.match(/d+/)?.[0];

    if (!chosenNum)
      return message.channel.send('You need to provide a number');

    if (chosenNum.length > 6)
      return message.channel.send('**1-6 digits only**');

    try {
      if (!(await nhentai.exists(chosenNum)))
        return message.channel.send(`No results found for "${chosenNum}".`);

      // res is your JSON object, feel free to console.log its content
      const res = await nhentai.getDoujin(chosenNum);
      const embed = new MessageEmbed()
        .addField('Pages', res.details.pages[0], true)
        .addField('Uploaded', res.details.uploaded[0], true);

      if (res.details.languages)
        embed.addField('Languages', res.details.languages.join(', '), true);
      if (res.details.characters)
        embed.addField('Top characters', res.details.characters.slice(0, 3).join(', '), true);
      if (res.details.tags)
        embed.addField('Top tags', res.details.tags.slice(0, 3).join(', '), true);

      return message.channel.send(embed);
    } catch (err) {
      return message.channel.send('Oops, there was an error. Maybe try again?!');
