如何使reactionCollector 对remove 事件起作用?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 bots javascript discord.js


So, I am working on a discord bot. Here I start a reactionCollector. When a reaction is collected, it does something, and when the reaction is removed, it should do something else.

await message.channel.send(embed)
  then(async function (message) {
    await message.react('⚔')

    const filter = (reaction, user) => {
      return reaction.emoji.name === '⚔' && user.id != 705462496646922311
    collector = message.createReactionCollector(filter);

    collector.on('collect', async (reaction, user) => {
      // Do something.

    collector.on('remove', (reaction, user) => {
      // Do something.
  .catch(function() {
    message.channel.send('Error while adding the reaction. Try again')

永远不会调用 remove 事件.有谁知道为什么会这样?我哪里做错了?

The remove event never gets called. Does anyone know why this happen? Where did I do a mistake?


让你的 ReactionCollector 触发 disposeremove 事件,您必须在 dispose/discord.js.org/#/docs/main/stable/typedef/CollectorOptions" rel="nofollow noreferrer">CollectorOptions 你的 ReactionCollector 就像这样:

To make your ReactionCollector fire dispose and remove events you have to enable dispose in the CollectorOptions of your ReactionCollector just like that :

collector = message.createReactionCollector(filter, { dispose: true });

另外,在操作 ID 时要小心(Snowflakes),它们总是字符串类型.在您的代码中,您尝试查看 user.id 是否不等于一个数字(顺便说一下,这个数字真的很大!)所以不要忘记用引号将 ID 括起来.

Also, be carefull when manipulating IDs (Snowflakes), they are always type of String. In your code you try to see if user.id is not equal to a number (really big number by the way!) so don't forget to surround IDs with quotes.

return reaction.emoji.name === '⚔' && user.id != "705462496646922311";
