TypeError [INVALID_TYPE]:提供的覆盖不是权限覆盖的数组或集合.不和谐 v12

2022-01-10 00:00:00 bots node.js javascript discord.js
module.exports = {
    config: {
        name: 'lock',
        aliases: ['lk'], 
        description: "",
        category: "Admin"
    run: async (client, message, args) => {
    const Discord = require('discord.js')

    if(!message.member.hasPermission("MANAGE_MESSAGES", "MANAGE_CHANNELS")) {
    return message.reply(`<@${message.author.id}>, You do not have the permissions`);
    } else if(!message.guild.me.permissions.has("MANAGE_MESSAGES", "MANAGE_CHANNELS")) {
      return message.reply("I don't have Permissions")
    } else {
    message.channel.overwritePermissions(message.guild.everyone, {
    SEND_MESSAGES: false,
    ADD_REACTIONS: false

     const embedLock = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
     .setTitle(`Channel successfully blocked! Use !ynlock to Unlock the channel`)
     const msg = await message.channel.send(embedLock)

我正在尝试让 !lock 命令阻止每个人的消息,但是当我使用该命令时,机器人会发送嵌入消息:

I'm trying to make the !lock command block everyone's messages, but when I use the command, the bot sends the embed message:

     const embedLock = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
     .setTitle(`Channel successfully blocked! Use !ynlock to Unlock the channel`)
     const msg = await message.channel.send(embedLock)


But it does not block messages, and sends this error in the terminal:

TypeError [INVALID_TYPE]: Supplied overwrites is not an Array or Collection of Permission Overwrites


    SEND_MESSAGES: false,
    ADD_REACTIONS: false

其实是Channel的格式.updateOverwrite().对于 Channel.overwritePermissions(),改用这个:

Is actually the format for Channel.updateOverwrite(). For Channel.overwritePermissions(), use this instead:

     id: message.author.id,
