Discord.js 获取两个用户之间的公共服务器

2022-01-10 00:00:00 javascript discord.js

我正在寻找两个不和谐 User 之间的公共服务器.目前,我的机器人能够访问它所属的公会,但是给定一个向它发送消息的用户,它无法访问该用户的任何公会.我知道不和谐会限制您查看共享的公会/服务器,但我什至找不到任何访问这些的方法.

I am looking to get the common servers between two discord Users. Currently, my bot is able to access the guilds that it is a part of, however given a user who has sent it a message, it is unable to access any of the guilds of the user. I understand that discord limits you to seeing shared guilds/servers, but I can't find any way to even access those.



guild = message.client.guilds.cache.find(clientGuild=>message.author.????)


guild = message.client.guilds.cache.find(clientGuild=>message.author.guilds.includes(clientGuild)



This will not work with sharding. I don't have experience with sharding yet, so I'll leave it for someone else with experience.


You can either try to use the cached members (and pray that the user is cached, which should be the case if the user sent a message but isn't guaranteed) or fetch the member.

公会对象有一个成员 从用户获取成员对象的方法.您可以简单地检查它是否未定义以查看用户是否在公会中并且被缓存.

The guild object has a member method to get the member object from user. You can simply check that it's not undefined to see if the user is in the guild and is cached.

client.guilds.cache.filter(guild => !!guild.member(message.author));

使用 fetch 的更长方法

这将获取成员,因此具有高公会计数的机器人可能会达到速率限制(查看文档 这里).

var guilds = Promise.all(
    client.guilds.cache.map(async guild => [
        await guild.members.fetch(message.author).catch(() => null))
).then(guilds => guilds.filter(g => g[1]).map(guild => client.guilds.resolve(guild[0]));

它通过尝试从机器人所在的每个公会中获取成员来工作(fetch 可能会失败,所以有一个只返回 null 的 catch),然后根据结果过滤公会.collection 类上没有异步过滤器,所以我改为映射到异步谓词,然后我使用 等待它们Promise.all.

It works by trying to fetch the member from every guild the bot is in (the fetch may fail so there's a catch which just returns null) and then filtering the guilds based on the result. There's no async filter on the collection class, so instead I map to async predicates which I then await them using Promise.all.


If you need sharding, it should be possible to do the same using broadcastEval, but I'm not confident enough to write it yet.
