Discord 机器人如何在嵌入或一般情况下在 Discord 消息中创建超链接?


Today I did a lot of research on hyperlinks and how to use them. But everything I found didn't work as they were probably outdated…

我的 Discord.js 机器人如何发送带有超链接的消息?我知道我可以使用 .setTitle("Titel").setURL("https://...") 在嵌入中创建链接标题,但是我怎样才能在嵌入的其他地方像在字段中一样使用这些超链接?

How can my Discord.js bot send a message with a hyperlink? I know I can use .setTitle("Titel") and .setURL("https://...") to make a link in the embed title, but how can I use these hyperlinks elsewhere in the embed like in a field?


Also, it is possible to create a hyperlink just in a guild channel as a normal user?


Can someone help me in general with hyperlinks, or provide useful documentation which is not outdated?


Jakye 是对的.只有机器人才能做到这一点(但不是在字段标题中,请注意).只需执行 [link text here](url here).

Jakye is right. Only bots can achieve this (but not in field titles, beware). Just do [link text here](url here).

"Track cases globally, or in a country, by supplying 2-letter [country codes](https://countrycode.org/)."


这在嵌入.单击它会将您定向到 countrycode.org.使用 .addField():

this in the embed. Clicking on it directs you to countrycode.org. Using .addField():

yourEmbed.addField("Title here, no hyperlinks allowed", "Main text here, so you can put a hyperlink here [like so.](https://example.com)");


If you want a bot's message to just be a hyperlink, you need to make an embed, and only set the description, hyperlinking as shown above. (you can set the embed color if you want too of course)
