从机器人 Discord.js 获取机器人消息

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord bots node.js javascript discord.js

我正在尝试制作一个机器人来获取频道中以前的机器人消息,然后将它们删除.我目前有这段代码,当输入 !clearMessages 时,它会删除频道中的所有消息:

I am trying to make a bot that fetches previous bot messages in the channel and then deletes them. I have this code currently that deletes all messages in the channel when !clearMessages is entered:

if (message.channel.type == 'text') {
    message.channel.fetchMessages().then(messages => {
        messagesDeleted = messages.array().length; // number of messages deleted

        // Logging the number of messages deleted on both the channel and console.
        message.channel.send("Deletion of messages successful. Total messages deleted: "+messagesDeleted);
        console.log('Deletion of messages successful. Total messages deleted: '+messagesDeleted)
    }).catch(err => {
        console.log('Error while doing Bulk Delete');


I would like the bot to only fetch messages from all bot messages in that channel, and then delete those messages.



每个 Message 有一个 author 属性,表示 用户.每个 User 都有一个 bot 属性 表示如果用户是机器人.

Each Message has an author property that represents a User. Each User has a bot property that indicates if the user is a bot.

使用该信息,我们可以使用 messages.filter(msg => msg.author.bot) 过滤掉不是机器人消息的消息:

Using that information, we can filter out messages that are not bot messages with messages.filter(msg => msg.author.bot):

if (message.channel.type == 'text') {
    message.channel.fetchMessages().then(messages => {
        const botMessages = messages.filter(msg => msg.author.bot);
        messagesDeleted = botMessages.array().length; // number of messages deleted

        // Logging the number of messages deleted on both the channel and console.
        message.channel.send("Deletion of messages successful. Total messages deleted: " + messagesDeleted);
        console.log('Deletion of messages successful. Total messages deleted: ' + messagesDeleted)
    }).catch(err => {
        console.log('Error while doing Bulk Delete');
