Discord.js - 让用户最后一次活动?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord node.js javascript discord.js

我正在尝试找出是否可以使用 discord.js

I'm trying to find out if its possible to get the time/information of users last activity retrospectively using discord.js


  client.guilds.find('id', 'SERVER ID').fetchMembers().then(members => {
        const role = members.roles.find('name', 'Newbies')

        role.members.forEach(member => {
              console.log(member.user.lastMessage) // null


Unless the member has posted, since the client is listening, the lastMessage is always null.


Is there a way to find the last activity? or a workaround, like a query to return all the users messages, which I can then take the most recent one from?


Effectively I want to know what date/time the user last posted so we can monitor non-contributing accounts.




After looking thought the documentation I didn't find something neither so I came up with a manual search function.

基本上,它会扫描每个频道,直到找到来自 X 用户的消息,或者频道中的消息结束.然后它会比较来自每个渠道的用户的最后一条消息并打印最后一条.

Basically, it will scan every channels until finding a message from X user, or the end of the messages in the channel. It then compare the last messages of the users from every channels and print the last one.

如果用户很久没有写,它可能会很长.当然,您必须在尝试之前检查 lastMessage.

It can be very long if the user hasn't write since a long time. Of course, you have to check lastMessage before trying this.


I would add a time limit maybe. Because if you have thousand of messages, the function will run eternally.


You can stop the function if the last message found is in the accepted time to not be kick/do whatever.

如果在 fetched messaged 包中找到的第一条消息超过了封禁限制,我就停止了搜索,但是,如果第一条消息不旧,请记住它意味着另一个,所以我们仍然需要检查它们(也可以通过检查包的最后一条消息来避免).

I made the search stop if the first message found in the pack of fetched messaged is older than the ban limit, however, if the first message is not older, remember that it means for the other, so we still need to check them (it can be avoided by checking the last message of the pack as well).

async function fetchMessageUser(chan, id, res) {
  let option = {};
  if (typeof res !== 'undefined'){
    option = {before: res.id};
  return await chan.fetchMessages(option)
      .then(async msgs => {
    if (msgs.size === 0){
      return {continue: false, found: false};
    if ((Date.now() - (msgs.first().createdTimestamp)) > 86400000 ) { // 1 day
      return {continue: false, found: false};
    let msgByAuthor = msgs.find(msg => {
      return msg.author.id === id;
    if (msgByAuthor === null){
      return {continue: true, id: msgs.last().id};
    } else {
      return {continue: false, found: true, timestamp: msgByAuthor.createdTimestamp};
      .catch(err => console.log('ERR>>', err));

client.on('message', async (msg) => {
  let timestamp = [];
  for (let [id, chan] of msg.guild.channels){
    if (chan.type !== 'text'){ continue; }
    let id = '587692527826763788'; // id of the user, here a non verified account
    let res;
    do {
      res = await fetchMessageUser(chan, id, res);
    } while(res.continue);
    if (res.found) {
  let first = timestamp.sort((a,b) => (b-a))[0];
  console.log(new Date(first));

更好的变体是为一组用户运行它,检查来自每个频道的所有 50 条最新消息,如果他写了一条,则将每个用户与他最近的消息相关联,并这样做直到所有消息中的所有消息频道太旧,无法避免踢/无论如何.然后为所有没有关联消息的用户做一些事情.

A better variant would be to run it for an array of users, checking all 50 last messages from every channel, and associating each users with his most recent messages if he wrote one, and doing this until all the messages in all the channels are too old to avoid a kick/whatever. And then do something for all the users who don't have an associated messages.
