
2022-01-10 00:00:00 javascript discord.js


I have a <Client>.on function and I want to stop the listening of this event, example:

bot.on('messageCreate', message => {
  // some code


How to stop it and not receive this event anymore?


我假设 botClient,它扩展了 Node.js 的 EventEmitter.您可以使用 message 或 ready)="nofollow noreferrer">on 并使用 关闭.addListenerremoveListener 也分别是 onoff 的别名.

I'm assuming bot is an instance of Client, which extends Node.js' EventEmitter. You can listen to an event (for example message or ready) using on and remove that listener using off. addListener and removeListener are also aliases of on and off respectively.

将监听器函数存储在一个变量中,当你需要移除那个监听器时使用 bot.off(eventName, listener):

Store the listener function in a variable, and when you need to remove that listener use bot.off(eventName, listener):

const listener = () => {
  // your code here...

bot.on('event', listener)

// When you need to remove the listener:
bot.off('event', listener)
