反应事件 discord.js

2022-01-10 00:00:00 node.js javascript discord.js


I'm trying to make a starboard code with my bot, and everything else is working good. But I'm trying to make it to where the bot ignores reactions from the author of the actual message.


client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction_orig, message, user) => {
  if (message.author.id === reaction_orig.users.id) return



if (message.author.id === reaction_orig.users.id) return;
TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined


问题是 messageReactionAdd 有两个参数;消息反应为第一个,应用表情符号的用户为第二个.当您编写 reaction_orig, message, user 时,reaction_orig 是反应(这是正确的),但 message 是做出反应的用户,因为它是第二个参数.user 变量将为 undefined.

The problem is that messageReactionAdd takes two parameters; the message reaction as the first one, and the user that applied the emoji as the second one. When you write reaction_orig, message, user, reaction_orig is the reaction (which is correct), but message is the user who reacted as it's the second parameter. The user variable will be undefined.

另一个问题是 reaction_orig.users 返回一个 ReactionUserManager 没有 id 属性.幸运的是,user 已经传递给您的回调,因此您可以使用它的 ID.

Another issue is that reaction_orig.users returns a ReactionUserManager that doesn't have an id property. Luckily, the user is already passed down to your callback so you can use its ID.

另外,reaction_orig 有一个 message 属性,即此反应所引用的原始消息,因此您可以从中获取其作者的 ID.

Also, reaction_orig has a message property, the original message that this reaction refers to so you can get its authors' ID from it.


You can change your code to this to work:

client.on('messageReactionAdd', (reaction_orig, user) => {
  if (reaction_orig.message.author.id === user.id) {
    // the reaction is coming from the same user who posted the message


但是,上面的代码仅适用于缓存消息,即在机器人连接后发布的消息.对旧消息做出反应不会触发 messageReactionAdd 事件.如果您还想收听对旧消息的反应,则需要在实例化客户端时为 MESSAGECHANNELREACTION 启用部分结构,例如这个:

However, the code above only works on cached messages, ones posted after the bot is connected. Reacting on older messages won't fire the messageReactionAdd event. If you also want to listen to reactions on old messages you need to enable partial structures for MESSAGE, CHANNEL and REACTION when instantiating your client, like this:

const client = new Discord.Client({
  partials: ['MESSAGE', 'CHANNEL', 'REACTION'],

您可以检查消息是否被缓存,例如检查它的 author 属性是否不是 null.如果是null,你可以获取消息.现在,您拥有消息作者和做出反应的用户,因此您可以比较他们的 ID:

You can check if the message is cached by e.g. checking if its author property is not null. If it's null, you can fetch the message. Now, you have both the message author and the user who reacted, so you can compare their IDs:

// make sure it's an async function
client.on('messageReactionAdd', async (reaction_orig, user) => {
  // fetch the message if it's not cached
  const message = !reaction_orig.message.author
    ? await reaction_orig.message.fetch()
    : reaction_orig.message;

  if (message.author.id === user.id) {
    // the reaction is coming from the same user who posted the message
  // the reaction is coming from a different user
