
2022-01-10 00:00:00 node.js javascript discord.js

我希望 discord.js 机器人在执行命令时发送消息,对其做出反应,然后捕获用户的所有反应以执行某些操作,例如响应他们.反应不应有时间限制.我还应该提到我正在使用命令处理程序,并且消息是从 index.js 以外的另一个文件发送的(甚至应该在其中发生收集).

I want the discord.js bot to send a message when a command is executed, react on it and then catch all reactions from users to do certain stuff, like respond to them. No time limit should be applied to reactions. I should also mention that I'm using a command handler and the message is being sent from another file than index.js (in which the collect even should occur).


I tried doing a collector but no matter how I do it, the collector variable is not defined or not working. I know it should be a collector for a fact though.


Making a filter for the checkmark emoji:

  return reaction.emoji.name === `✅` && user.id === call.message.author.id;


Trying to catch reactions outside the command block itself (because if I do it IN the block the event won't work:

collector.on(`collect`, (reaction, reactionCollector) => {
    console.log(`Caught ${reaction.emoji.name}`);


The errors I get are pretty much expected but I want to solve that:

collector.on(`collect`, (reaction, reactionCollector) => {

ReferenceError: collector is not defined

也许是一个全局变量或设置消息 id 然后获取?帮帮我.

Maybe a global variable or setting the message id and then fetching? Help me.


为什么不在你的 command.js 中包含 Collector?

Why not include the Collector in your command.js?

 const time = 60000 //amount of time to collect for in milliseconds

 receivedMessage.channel.send("Hello World")
 .then(async function (message) {
      await message.react('✅')
      const filter = (reaction, user) => {
           return //YOUR FILTER HERE;

      const collector = message.createReactionCollector(filter, { time: time });

      collector.on('collect', (reaction, reactionCollector) => {
           //do stuff
