使用 discord.js 检测图像并响应

2022-01-10 00:00:00 discord bots javascript discord.js

我正在尝试为我朋友的 Discord 服务器制作一个恶作剧 Discord 机器人,但机器人不会响应任何东西;甚至 elseif 函数也没有通过.如果有人知道我的代码为什么不起作用,请指定它.

I'm trying to make a prank Discord bot for my friend's Discord server, but the bot won't respond to anything; not even the elseif function passes. If anyone know why my code isn't working can you please specify it.

注意:如果您需要参考,客户端变量是 Discord.Client.

NOTE: Client variable is Discord.Client if you needed a reference.

client.on("message", message => {
  if (message.channel.id != 425328056777834506) return;
  if (Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(4))== 3 && message.embeds.length > 0) {
  } else if (message.embeds.length < 0) {
    message.channel.send("send me photos of your win >.>");


消息有一个 attachments 属性,您可以使用它来获取消息的附件集合(如果有)

The Message have a attachments property which you can use to get a collection of attached file(s) to a message (if any)

您可以先执行 if (message.attachments.size > 0) 来检查任何附加对象.
之后,您可以遍历集合并检查附件 URL 是否以 pngjpeg 结尾.

You can do a if (message.attachments.size > 0) to check for any attached objects first.
Afterwards, you can loop through the collection and check if the attached file URL ends with a png or jpeg.

if (message.attachments.size > 0) {
    if (message.attachments.every(attachIsImage)){
function attachIsImage(msgAttach) {
    var url = msgAttach.url;
    //True if this url is a png image.
    return url.indexOf("png", url.length - "png".length /*or 3*/) !== -1;


因为你的机器人没有响应任何东西.确保您在 message.channel.id != 425328056777834506 语句中具有相同 ID 的频道中测试机器人.
(或者您可以先注释掉 if 语句,然后在您的机器人功能齐全时添加.)

For your bot not responding to anything. Make sure that you are testing the bot in the channel that has the same ID in the message.channel.id != 425328056777834506 statement.
(Or you can comment out that if statement first, then add that in when your bot is fully functional.)

此外,client.on("message", message => {... 也会在您的机器人发送消息时被调用.您可以执行 if (message.author.id == <YourBotID>) {return;} 让机器人忽略它自己的消息.
或者,如果您希望它忽略其他机器人发送的消息,您可以执行 if (message.author.bot) {return;}.

Also, client.on("message", message => {... gets called when your bot sends a message too. You can do if (message.author.id == <YourBotID>) {return;} to let the bot ignore it's own messages.
Or you can do if (message.author.bot) {return;} if you want it to ignore messages sent by other bots.
