将标题添加到 window.location.pathname

2022-01-10 00:00:00 jwt authentication jquery javascript ajax

我正在为应用设置身份验证.在我发出登录请求后,会发送一个 JSON Web 令牌作为响应.我可以通过 Ajax 将它附加到标题中.问题是在登录后使用 window.location.pathname 重定向时,因为它不是 Ajax 请求,它没有附加到标头的令牌.我该如何解决这个问题?

I am setting up authentication for an app. After I make a post request to login, a JSON Web Token is sent in response. I am able to attach this to the header via Ajax. The problem is when using window.location.pathname to redirect after login, since it is not an Ajax request it does not have the token attached to the header. How do I get around this?

  headers: {
    'x-access-token': window.localStorage.jwt

var Auth = {
  signup: function () {
    var userSignup = {
      username: $('#usernameSignup').val(),
      password: $('#passwordSignup').val()
    return $.post('/api/users/register', userSignup, function (resp) {
      console.log('resp: ',resp);
      window.localStorage.setItem('jwt', resp.token);
      //does not have x-access-token header
      window.location.pathname = '/';


简短的回答是:您不能使用 window.location 设置 HTTP 标头.

Short answer is: you cannot set HTTP headers using window.location.

添加Angular 应用程序中 window.location.href 的 http 标头
