NodeJS:以 DER 格式验证证书

2022-01-10 00:00:00 node.js cryptography javascript der

我正在使用 crypto 模块来验证证书,但我的证书和公钥都是 DER 格式.crypto 模块似乎不接受这种格式.

I'm using crypto module to validate a certificate, but both, my certificate and my public key are in DER format. It seems that crypto module does not accept this format.

有没有办法(或模块)使用 NodeJS 将 DER 转换为 PEM 格式?我找不到任何东西,也无法使用命令行通过 shell 调用 openssl.

Is there a way (or module) to convert DER to PEM format using NodeJS? I couldn't find any and cannot use command line to call openssl via shell.

更新:这与 HTTPS 证书无关.这是关于一般的 X.509 证书.如果您将问题标记为否定,请发表评论以证明其合理性.帮不上忙也别傻了.

UPDATE: It's not about HTTPS certificates. It's about general X.509 certificates. And if you mark the question as negative, please leave a comment to justify it. Don't be a stupid if you are not able to help.


Dominykas 的回答很好,但就我而言,我有一个使用 ECC 和 node-forge 不支持它.所以我找到了一个名为 node-openssl-wrapper 的模块,效果很好,因为它将 openssl 命令封装在一个简单的函数调用中,如下所示:

Dominykas' answer was good, but in my case, I have a certificate that uses ECC and node-forge does not support it. So I've found a module called node-openssl-wrapper, which worked perfectly well because it encapsulates the openssl commands in a simple function call, like this:

co(function*() {
  var ossl = require('openssl-wrapper');
  var derCert = new Buffer('...'); // binary DER certificate
  var pemCert = yield ossl.qExec('x509', derCert, { inform: 'der', outform: 'pem' });
