
2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors css


I have the following list (the numbers are just for reference)

<div class="A">alpha1</div>
<div class="B">alpha2</div>
<div class="A">alpha3</div>
<div class="A">alpha4</div>
<div class="A">alpha5</div>
<div class="B">alpha6</div>
<div class="A">alpha7</div>

我想将一种样式应用于 DIVS 1、3 和 7,因为它们是同一类的一行元素中它们的类 (A) 中的第一个.有没有我可以使用的伪元素/魔法?类似(发明)

I want to apply one style to DIVS 1, 3 and 7, because they are the first of their class (A) in a row of elements of the same class. Is there a pseudo element / magic I can use for that? Something like (inventing)

not(.A) & .A {color:red} -> if class is A and it is not preceded by an A



你使用 :not() 伪类和相邻的兄弟组合 + 来匹配一个.A 前面没有紧跟 .A:

You use the :not() pseudo-class with an adjacent sibling combinator + to match an .A that is not immediately preceded by an .A:

:not(.A) + .A

您还需要使用 :first-child 来选择第一个 .A 元素,因为它前面没有任何内容:

You'll also need to use :first-child to select the very first .A element since it's not preceded by anything:



Combine them, and you have:

:not(.A) + .A, .A:first-child { color: red; }

jsFiddle 演示
