jQuery 选择器 - 查找没有指定属性的对象

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors jquery javascript

我在一个页面上有几个对象,我想只在其中一些对象上使用 jQuery 执行操作——那些没有指定属性的对象.所以:

I have several objects on a page and I want to perform an operation using jQuery only on some of them - the ones that don't have a specified attribute. So:

<li style='...'>some text</li>
<li style='...'>some other text</li>
<li>some very diffrent text</li>


and in javascript I would have:


这将隐藏所有具有 style 属性的元素.但是如果我想隐藏那些 without 它,我的选择器应该是什么样子?

that would hide all elements with a style sttribute. But if I want to hide the ones without it, how should my selector look like?


