CSS 和 Internet Explorer 中的 :last-child 伪类选择器

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors css pseudo-class


ul.myList li{
     border-right: 1px dotted #000;


However, on the last element, I need to remove that border as the design that I am working from dictates that the last item does not require a border as a separator.

所以,我需要定位列表的最后一个子元素,因此在我的 CSS 中添加了

So, I need to target the last child of a list and so within my css I have added

ul.myList li:last-child{
     border-right: none;

众所周知,它在 Firefox、Safari 和 Chrome 中运行良好.

Which as we all know, works fine in Firefox, Safari and Chrome.

问题出在我们在 Internet Explorer 6 到 8 中查看页面时.

The problem lies when we view the page in Internet Explore 6 through to 8.



So, after some digging around, I found the answer:

如果浏览器是 IE<8,请指定如下样式表:

If the browser is IE<8, specify a stylesheet like this:

<!--[if lt IE 8]>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/ie_all.css" type="text/css" />

并在您的 IE 样式表中指定以下规则:

And within your IE stylesheet specify the following rules:

ul.myList li{
     border-right: expression(this.nextSibling==null?'none':'inherit');

nextSibling 表达式查看其后是否有元素,是否继承默认样式表中指定的规则,如果没有则应用新规则.

The nextSibling expression looks to see if there is an element after it and if there is inherits the rule specified in the default stylesheet, if not it applys a new rule.

