nth-子 CSS 选择器

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors css

我有九组配色方案,我想将它们应用于一系列 div.使用 :nth-child(1), :nth-child(2)... 适用于前九个,但我希望之后重复该序列,但我不能围绕 (3n+2) 表示法缠绕我的头......我想我明白了,但我似乎无法哄它做我想做的事.

I have nine sets of color schemes that I want to apply to a sequence of divs. Using :nth-child(1), :nth-child(2)... works for the first nine, but I'd like the sequence to then repeat after that, and I can't wrap my head around the (3n+2) notation... I think I get it, but I can't seem to coax it into doing what I want.

这可能吗,还是我应该在写出每个 div 时只为它们应用一个类?

Is this possible, or should I just apply a class to each div as I write them out?



If you mean you need to apply different rules to every nine consecutive elements, you have to use these nine selectors:

:nth-child(9n+9) /* Or :nth-child(9n) */
