输入类型=“按钮"的CSS属性选择器无法在 IE7 上运行

我正在处理一个大表单,它在整个表单中包含很多按钮,因此我试图在我的主 css 文件中获取有效的 input[type="button"] 以便它可以捕获所有按钮必须为每个单独的类添加一个类,由于某种原因,这在 IE7 上不起作用,在网上检查后说 IE7 应该支持这一点.

I am working on a big form and it contains a lot of buttons all over the form, therefore I am trying to get working input[type="button"] in my main css file so it would catch all buttons with out having to add a class to every single one, for some reason this is not working on IE7, after checking on the web it says that IE7 should be supporting this.

还必须是 type="button" 而不是 type="submit" 因为并非所有按钮都会提交表单.

Also it has to be type="button" and not type="submit" as not all buttons will submit the form.


Could anybody give a hint what am I doing wrong?

input[type="button"] {

我也试过 input[type=button]


我很难让 input[type=button] 选择器在 IE7 或 IE8 中工作.问题原来是 HTML 页面缺少!DOCTYPE"声明.一旦我添加了

I was struggling getting input[type=button] selectors working in IE7 or IE8. The problem turned out to be that the HTML Pages were missing a "!DOCTYPE" declaration. Once I added

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd">


Then everything worked fine. You can obviously use a different "!DOCTYPE" declaration to suit your requirements.
