影响 :focus'd 元素的父元素(首选纯 CSS+HTML)

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors focus css

<input><a> 为时,如何更改父 <div> 的背景:聚焦(或任何其他动态伪类?

How can I change the background of a parent <div> when an <input> or <a> is :focus'd (or any other dynamic pseudo-class?


<div id="formspace">
<label for="question">
How do I select #formspace for the case when a child is active?</label>
<input type="text" id="question" name="answer"/></form></div>


很遗憾,css 不支持父选择器.:(
所以唯一的方法就是使用像 jQuery 父方法这样的 javascript.

Unfortunately css doesn't support parent selectors. :(
So the only way to do it is to use javascript like the jQuery parent method.

更新:CSS 选择器 Level 4 将支持父选择器!http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#subject

Update: CSS Selectors Level 4 will support parent selectors! http://www.w3.org/TR/selectors4/#subject
