如何仅对一页应用 CSS 样式更改?

2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors css css-sprites

我有两个 css 文件:

I have two css files:

  1. 一个主文件(main.css)

  1. A main file (main.css)

一个特定的页面文件(page5.css).我的 page.css 包含 main.css (@import url(main.css));)

A specific page file (page5.css). My page.css contains main.css (@import url(main.css));)

我的 main.css 将其作为设置页面高度的一部分

My main.css has this as one part of it that sets the height of the page

#content {
    background:url(../images/image.png) no-repeat;

这适用于所有其他页面,但在第 5 页,我需要更多的高度.

This works fine for all the other pages, but at page 5, I need a little bit more height.



你甚至不需要一个单独的 CSS 文件.您可以出于各种目的将类添加到您的正文中,识别页面或页面类型是其中之一.所以如果你有:

You don't even need a separate CSS file necessarily. You can add classes to your body for various purposes, identifying page or page type being one of them. So if you had:

<body class="page5">

然后你可以在你的 CSS 中应用:

Then in your CSS you could apply:

.page5 #content {
  height: XXXpx;

并且它只适用于该页面,只要它出现在您的主要 #content 定义之后.

And it would only apply to that page as long as it occurs after your main #content definition.
