
2022-01-10 00:00:00 css-selectors css

我想要做的是在一个地方编写一个匹配任意值的选择器,然后需要一个不同的值等于它.如果 [attr="value"] 将value"解析为正则表达式,那么这将解决我的问题:

What I want to do is write a selector that matches an arbitrary value in one place, then later requires a different value be equal to it. If [attr="value"] parsed "value" as a regex, then this would solve my problem:

*[class="(.+)"] *[class="if_1"] {/* styles */}


Obviously I could just list each possible class individually, but that takes a great deal of convenience out of it.




No, it's not possible. Attribute selectors are almost completely static and provide almost no dynamic matching functionality (beyond that of substring matches, which are still static and not dynamic pattern-based). They do not support anything like what you see in everyday regular expressions.

诸如 Sass 或 LESS 之类的样式表预处理器将允许您生成所需的静态 CSS 规则,但所做的只是自动执行手动任务,即分别列出所有可能的值,这证明了我的第一点.

A stylesheet preprocessor such as Sass or LESS will allow you to generate the static CSS rules needed, but all that does is automate the manual task of listing all possible values individually, which proves my first point.
