错误代码:2013.查询期间丢失与 MySQL 服务器的连接

2022-01-30 00:00:00 sql database mysql mysql-workbench

当我尝试使用 MySQL Workbench 向表添加索引时,我收到 错误代码:2013.在查询期间丢失与 MySQL 服务器的连接错误.我还注意到,每当我运行长查询时它就会出现.

I got the Error Code: 2013. Lost connection to MySQL server during query error when I tried to add an index to a table using MySQL Workbench. I noticed also that it appears whenever I run long query.


Is there away to increase the timeout value?


新版本的 MySQL WorkBench 具有更改特定超时的选项.

New versions of MySQL WorkBench have an option to change specific timeouts.

对我来说,它位于编辑 → 首选项 → SQL 编辑器 → DBMS 连接读取超时(以秒为单位):600

For me it was under Edit → Preferences → SQL Editor → DBMS connection read time out (in seconds): 600

将值更改为 6000.

Changed the value to 6000.


Also unchecked limit rows as putting a limit in every time I want to search the whole data set gets tiresome.
