在 MySQL 中模拟滞后函数

2022-01-30 00:00:00 sql sliding-window mysql
| time                | company | quote |
| 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | GOOGLE  |    40 |
| 2012-07-02 21:28:05 | GOOGLE  |    60 |
| 2012-07-02 21:28:51 | SAP     |    60 |
| 2012-07-02 21:29:05 | SAP     |    20 |

如何在 MySQL 中对这个表做一个滞后以打印引号中的差异,例如:

How do I do a lag on this table in MySQL to print the difference in quotes, for example:

SAP    | 40  


这是我最喜欢的 MySQL hack.

This is my favorite MySQL hack.


This is how you emulate the lag function:

SET @quot=-1;
select time,company,@quot lag_quote, @quot:=quote curr_quote
  from stocks order by company,time;

  • lag_quote 保存前一行引号的值.对于第一行,@quot 是 -1.
  • curr_quote 保存当前行引用的值.
    • lag_quote holds the value of previous row's quote. For the first row @quot is -1.
    • curr_quote holds the value of current row's quote.
    • 注意事项:

      1. order by 子句在这里很重要,就像它在常规中一样窗口功能.
      2. 您可能还想对 company 使用延迟,以确保您计算的是同一 company 的引号中的差异.
      3. 你也可以用同样的方式实现行计数器@cnt:=@cnt+1
      1. order by clause is important here just like it is in a regular window function.
      2. You might also want to use lag for company just to be sure that you are computing difference in quotes of the same company.
      3. You can also implement row counters in the same way @cnt:=@cnt+1


      The nice thing about this scheme is that is computationally very lean compared to some other approaches like using aggregate functions, stored procedures or processing data in application server.


      Now coming to your question of getting result in the format you mentioned:

      SET @quot=0,@latest=0,company='';
      select B.* from (
      select A.time,A.change,IF(@comp<>A.company,1,0) as LATEST,@comp:=A.company as company from (
      select time,company,quote-@quot as change, @quot:=quote curr_quote
      from stocks order by company,time) A
      order by company,time desc) B where B.LATEST=1;


      The nesting is not co-related so not as bad (computationally) as it looks (syntactically) :)


      Let me know if you need any help with this.
