
2022-01-23 00:00:00 sql database mysql drupal-7 outer-join
 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM t1
         RIGHT OUTER JOIN t2 ON t2.wid = t1.wid
         LIMIT ' . $number . ' OFFSET 678';

当我用手改变这个偏移量时,它会针对我的数据库的不同值运行......我怎么能在不改变我的手这个偏移量的情况下做到这一点?有人说我可以在没有偏移的情况下做到这一点,但他没有告诉我如何......有人可以帮忙吗?我有一个多月的时间来处理这个问题:'( :'( :'(

When i change by my hand this offset it runs for different values of my database... How I can do it without change with my hand this offset?? Someone said me that I can do it without offset but he did not tell me how... Could someone help plz?? I have over a month with this issue :'( :'( :'(


$per_page = 10;
$current_page = read_current_page(); // 0,1,2...
$start = $current_page*$per_page;

 $sql = 'SELECT * FROM t1
         RIGHT OUTER JOIN t2 ON t2.wid = t1.wid
         LIMIT ' . $start . ','. $per_page;

应该是这样的.read_current_page() 应该以某种方式从文件、数据库或您决定保留该值的地方读取值.因此,您需要在调用之间存储它.

It should be something like that. read_current_page() should somehow read value from file, database or where ever you decide to keep that value. So, you need some place to store it between the calls.


Then you create your query and at end you have to update value of that counter. Add also some logic to reset it, the way you need it. But point is that you have to store it somewhere outside of your code...since after call is executed all values are lost.
