如何在 CodeIgniter 中显示数据库中的图像?

我正在使用 CodeIgniter 2.1.0 和 MySQL 数据库.我已经通过表单上传了一张图片并成功地将其存储在上传目录中,并且我还成功地将图片的完整路径存储在我的数据库中.但我无法通过从我的数据库中调用完整路径来显示图像.

I am using CodeIgniter 2.1.0 and MySQL database. I have uploaded an image through a form and successfully stored it in a uploads directory and I have also successfully stored the full path of the image in my database. but i am having problem with showing the image by calling the full path from my database.


$image_path = realpath(APPPATH . '../uploads');

$config = array(
    'allowed_types' => 'jpeg|png|gif|jpg', 
    'upload_path' => $image_path, 
    'max_size' => 2097152, 
    'overwrite' => TRUE, 
    'file_name' => '_' . $i . '_'

$this -> load -> library('upload', $config);


When I am storing the full path of the image in my database, it looks something like this



<img src="<?php echo $data['screenshot'];?>" />
//($data['screenshot'] refers to the image location retrieved from database)


this in my view file, no image is displayed. What am I doing wrong? Please someone tell me. What is the standard procedure?


在您的数据库中,如果我理解正确,您将图像存储为 C:/wamp/www/my_project/uploads/_1_.jpg

In your database, if i have understood correctly, you're storing the image as C:/wamp/www/my_project/uploads/_1_.jpg

因此,当您在图像路径中回显 img src 属性时,您将拥有

So when you're echoing out the image path the img src attribute, you will have

它不能作为您机器上的本地路径使用.我的文件系统上不会有那个图像.该图像需要可在网络服务器上访问.(就像你的 index.php 文件)

which won't work as this as local path on your machine. I won't have that image on my file system. The image needs to be accessible on the webserver. (like your index.php file)


So you need the store the image as either this:


然后执行 <img src="<?php echo $data['screenshot'];?>"/>


_1_.jpg 和然后做

<img src="<?php echo sprintf("uploads/%s", $data['screenshot']);?>"/>

要清楚:您存储它的位置是正确的.但是,您不需要数据库中的完整路径,您只需要 Web 服务器路径.

To be clear: Where you're storing it is correct. But, you don't need the full path in the DB, you just need the web server path.
