MySQL 显示状态 - 活动或总连接数?

2022-01-24 00:00:00 connection mysql

当我运行 show status like 'Con%' 时,它会显示连接数,即 9972,并且还在不断增长.这是活跃的连接数还是总连接数?

When I run show status like 'Con%' it shows the number of connections, which is 9972 and constantly growing. Is this an active number of connections or connections made in total?



According to the docs, it means the total number throughout history:


与 MySQL 服务器的连接尝试次数(成功与否).

The number of connection attempts (successful or not) to the MySQL server.

您可以通过 活动 连接的数量.html#statvar_Threads_connected" rel="noreferrer">Threads_connected 状态变量:

You can see the number of active connections either through the Threads_connected status variable:



mysql> show status where `variable_name` = 'Threads_connected';
| Variable_name     | Value |
| Threads_connected | 4     |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

...或通过show processlist命令:

mysql> show processlist;
| Id | User | Host            | db     | Command | Time | State | Info             |
|  3 | root | localhost       | webapp | Query   |    0 | NULL  | show processlist | 
|  5 | root | localhost:61704 | webapp | Sleep   |  208 |       | NULL             | 
|  6 | root | localhost:61705 | webapp | Sleep   |  208 |       | NULL             | 
|  7 | root | localhost:61706 | webapp | Sleep   |  208 |       | NULL             | 
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
